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Find the value of IBM Power with StorSafe VTL for any organization!
password: SAVEONIBM2025

Find the value of IBM Power with StorSafe VTL for any organization!
password: SAVEONIBM2025
Working with their IBM seller, they used our sizing calculator to help them decide if moving their IBM i workloads to PowerVS with StorSafe VTL would help reduce their costs.
With 200TB to back up, and using 20:1 deduplication ratio (based on IBM i workload historical benchmarks), this customer determined that they would need 10TB of virtual tape library space using cloud object storage. Right away, the amount they save on storage is massive. Then factoring in the cost for PowerVS (LPAR needs were 1 core and 42GB of memory), they ran the numbers.
If the workload had been running on AIX or Linux instead of IBM i, the dedup ratio would be 15:1, resulting in a need for a 13.4TB of virtual library space using cloud object storage.
The customer was very pleased to see that by subscribing to 1 core with 42GB memory for an LPAR in PowerVS and subscribing to StorSafe VTL for 10TB of virtual tape library space using cloud object storage, which requires 5TB of block storage, they could reduce their costs by 77.3%.
On top of those savings, they also have a ransomware recovery solution with StorSafe VTL giving them immutable, air-gapped copies of data, allowing recovery from any point in time.
Savings come from reduction in storage costs through StorSafe VTL deduplication. StorSafe VTL shrinks the amount of data to backup by up to 92%, greatly reducing storage needs and thus storage costs. We’ve seen 60-90% reduction in storage costs for IBM i workloads.
With PowerVS and StorSafe VTL, organizations also gain ransomware protection with an immutable, air-gapped copy of data that can be restored from any point in time. Plus, easy and cost-effective replication also means added protection against disasters. We can’t put an accurate cost on preventing downtime, but everyone understands the value StorSafe VTL and PowerVS bring.
Feel free to reach out to us at any time – email ibmsizing@falconstor.com to ensure the fastest response from a member of the FalconStor team.
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