FalconStor VTL and StorSafe

FalconStor VTL and StorSafe

All devices on this Certification Matrix have been certified in our Interoperability Lab or within our partners’ labs. FalconStor tests as many possible operating system, hardware, and software combinations as possible. Even with this extensive testing, the exact versions at your site may differ slightly from those tested. Please contact a FalconStor Certified Reseller or your local FalconStor account team if you have any questions.

FalconStor emulates physical tape libraries and tape drives for backup servers. It also supports a majority of the leading physical tape libraries for tape import/export via Fibre Channel. You can import data from or export data to any certified physical tape library or any library with a certified tape drive. Certified devices are listed below; some devices are only certified for tape import/export.

For information about devices and software certified with previous FalconStor product versions, check our Archived Certified Operating Systems, Tape Devices, and Backup Software page.

1 Not certified with the Deduplication option.
2 Supported for import/export only.
3 Supported for import/export only; requires ACSLS Manager 8.x on a Solaris server.
AIX supports only FC for tape interface, not iSCSI.

All equipment and software is certified as of the date it was added to this matrix. FalconStor is not responsible for any operational problems resulting from modifications made by the equipment or software manufacturer after the equipment or software was certified.

Updated on February 5, 2024