Accelerate Existing Backups & Restores
Increase backup and restore speeds by 2-10X.
Customer Need
Ever-increasing volume of data brings a constant worry that backups will not complete within the schedule.
StorSafe® VTL Solution
The StorSafe VTL backup-to-disk target looks like a tape library, so it is 100% compatible with existing backup software and operations. StorSafe VTL software runs on industry standard servers and storage. Backups are deduplicated inline to reduce their size by up to 95% while achieving industry-leading performance.
When it comes to protecting backup data offsite there are three choices: go old school with physical tapes and trucks, export backup data to cloud object storage, or run a second instance of StorSafe VTL in a remote site or cloud and replicate to it continuously so that backup data is protected while retaining its data reduction of up to 95%.
Customer Outcome
StorSafe VTL uses patented deduplication to reduce backup images which increases backup and restore speeds versus physical tape and competing VTL technology.

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